
Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The article below is by someone writing under the pseudonym Roage. It looms at the 'hypnotism' we are all under to some degree or other. Understanding how it works is the start of breaking free from its spell.


The question is not who among us has been hypnotized, the question is who has not. The un-hypnotized man or woman finds him or her self in a sea of people who cannot see past their blindness. This is the reason why the truth teller cannot break through to the “skeptic”. For this reason one must first place him or her self in a position to see and only when they do so can they ever hope to glimpse the truth. Under most circumstances the chances that a man or woman wakes up are very slim indeed and there are good reasons for this. Modern hypnotists are not turbaned magicians in dark robes holding a pocket watch. They wear business suits and swim suits and their disguises are virtually impenetrable by the target of their efforts. They are very effective and have charmed all but a fraction of a percent of all people in the world. Many wake up but again fall under the spell over and over. They get a glimpse but do not know what has happened. Slowly they succumb to the droning of the hypnotist´s tools of the trade.

If one does not understand the nature of hypnotism and its awesome power to shape every aspect of our lives and perception then they cannot hope to break through to freedom. Why is modern hypnotism so effective in our “modern civilized age”?

Trust is the key to hypnotism as one cannot be hypnotized if they do not trust the hypnotist. One might assume that one must trust a man or woman, to be hypnotized by, them but they seldom understand that ideas and concepts in which we place our trust are equally mesmerizing and are as effective as any human hypnotist. One who is skeptic of people may believe him or her self immune but they can easily be hypnotized voluntarily by introducing false information that clouds their perception such that they alter their perception around, most notably, a false view of reality. This conditioning starts very early with our parents demanding that we accept their authority and expect us to trust blindly what they say without verification. The worst thing a parent can do to their child when the child asks “why?” is to tell them “because I said so”. It is better so say “I do not know” or even better “figure it out for yourself”. This automatic conditioning creates an individual that moves from one trust relationship to another or from one hypnotist to another and creates an un-ending chain that takes diligence and persistence to break. The teacher hands you a book and because we trust our teacher, sometimes without condition, they introduce us to a carefully crafted false reality that leaves us a slave in fear of pain, suffering and death such that we are convinced that the powerful determine our lives for us.

So refined and sophisticated has this art become that we rarely even discover that it is perpetrated against us through nearly every aspect of our daily lives. Trust the teacher, trust the government, trust your elders, trust the intellectual, trust the judge, trust the doctor and we can never hope to break the cycle. When you look at how modern college education merely swamps a young mind with information and demands complete regurgitation without being give time to judge the validity of the information, it sets up a drone that loses all sense of identity that is forever held in an invisible cage they cannot even perceive is there.

The repetition and cross-confirmation between, what we are told, are diametrically opposed doctrines further convinces us to accept what we are told. We base our perception regarding science on assumptions of reality presented to us in religious doctrine. The false ideas of chance, probability, purposelessness, luck and individual powerlessness are not scientific in origin but are en grained in us by religion. That's right. We take the bad assumptions and perceptions that we are subject to the will of things out of our control from religion. Science then bases much of their theory and experimentation on these false assumptions. Can there be true objectivity if one cannot fathom critical false assumptions that are specifically designed to undermine our “objectivity”? No. What can science actual prove objectively when our reality is wholly subjective to each of us individually? They can really prove nothing. Our movies, literature, religion, science, history, philosophy, psychology, cosmology and worst of all the media all work together to form an impenetrable barrier to waking up as they all reinforce the same false reality.

The challenge to the hypnotized is daunting in that most of the hypnotists do not even recognize they are themselves hypnotizing. Even worse we are hypnotized to forget we have been hypnotized. There are even safety valves incorporated into the system in the event one begins to wake up. Peer pressure is applied to return the waking people back under the spell.
When one starts exposing the truth to another, that falls outside of the traditional hypnotic perception, in speaking with another, we are conditioned to automatically reject the speaker and the information. In fact, one of the clues is people simply use the tool of saying the word “conspiracy” and that effectively shuts down the flow of truth in a conversation and anything that is said prior is quickly thrown into the mental trash bin. One must try it for him or her self and objectively observe the results. As far as conspiracy, when one goes to the convince store for a pop they conspire with the clerk to secure a needful thing.

The typical statement is: “If there was such a conspiracy, how can so many people keep something secret?” How indeed! When the whole population uses the same fallacious argument every single time without even questioning its validity is really quite amazing. The answer to the question is that the population itself cannot allow itself to view this conspiracy even though it is perpetrated right in front of them over-and-over constantly throughout their day. Even worse, how are those, who are part of the “conspiracy”, even to expose the “conspiracy” if they cannot recognize that they are one of the participants and to people that have been rendered largely unable to accept its existence in the first place?

How does one wake up and stay awake? We must all first accept that we might be hypnotized. We must then take careful stock and prove that our most basic assumption about our reality is actually proven first-hand rather than something we are given to accept. This can be rather uncomfortable in that we start from a position where we doubt our own sanity and must overcome society's pressure to shoehorn ourselves into the model of reality someone else has deemed “normal”. We must start from the position that we know nothing that we have not proved conclusively to ourselves individually. In this way skepticism is valuable. That is difficult when our egos work against us to ensure that we remain “correct” so that we know what we believe and believe what we know. We have to fight our tendency to automatically submit ourselves to the authority of another. Again, that is not easy.

Another weakness in this modern hypnotic mechanism is that it must be continually reinforced. After roughly 22 days of repetition we can be made to accept contrary information. It helps to remove one's self from the stimulus as much as possible. Turn off the TV, stop reading the newspapers, turn off the music and spend some time in nature. Nature in a remote area is free of this content, provided it is outside of a city where the sounds and electromagnetic waves help lull us to sleep. We must stop the tenancy of accepting the information we get as the truth and break the trust cycle. It is not wrong to believe new information provided it is first rigorously tested with personal experience and experiment.

Do not fall into the "second opinion" trap, as one must assume that every man and women are equally confused. Just because a billion idiots believe something it does not mean that something is the truth. Test it for yourself through a logical and sound repeatable process. That which one believes now must be marked in their minds as “suspect pending further review” and one-by-one we must revisit these assumptions and test them. If they are found to be suspect then discard them. Take it from those who have endured this process: much of what we assume as truth is false. That is a healthy way to approach one's reality. Blind acceptance leads to general blindness with a persistent deluded sense of “apparent sight”.

Many are thinking, “How bad can TV be? I don't watch the stuff on the networks just science and the history channel.” There is nothing of value on TV. It is a false reality creator. I watched a two-hour presentation on the curse of the Kennedys as they revisited the tragedy in their family. In two hours they never even approached the idea that there may be a reason for it. We are left to conclude it was a function of “bad luck”. Just bad luck and do not ever forget how it can happen to you. Does that conditioning worthless programming help anyone determine purpose and meaning? There is a reason for the tragedy in the Kennedy family. This reason, I am sure, they at least are fully aware of.

On the science channel we are presented with Standard Model Cosmology, exclusively, and we have convinced ourselves that the universe will expand to the point where it will go dark and everything is dead. We then are left to come to the conclusion that nothing matters anyway. We might as well rob, cheat and steal because there cannot be this thing we call God and it does not matter anyway. To make their theory work they have to invent this thing called dark energy and dark matter. We cannot see it or measure it, but it is there. We are left to take this drivel on faith never questioning the fact that what they propound is theory based on bad assumptions where they do not have the least amount of integrity to admit it. It is more religious then religion but we call it empirical science. Just overlook the fact that their explanations for things the cannot explain very nearly include fudge factors and reliance on ethereal unseen dimensions and forces. OOOOOO Weeeee OOOOO OOOOO!

Standard Model Cosmology is only one of many theories out there that we never have an opportunity to entertain. Why? The reason is that the removal of hope brings us to a point where we must be dependent on those who think they rule to save us from ourselves. It is a reality based on powerlessness and enslavement and it is no wonder why it is promoted with such enthusiasm.

Our reality, such as it is spun today is that we are not sovereign, not responsible and have no chance of ever regaining power over our environment and ourselves. Why bother? Just take your lumps like everyone else because that is all you will get. Trust us and be thankful for the pitiful morsel that falls from our plates. We will tell you what to do, what to think and we decide where you are and why. They do not enslave us. We choose to enslave ourselves by merely trusting them to define for us our reality because they decide if you think differently then you are “insane”. They decide what is insane or what is not. Who permits them to do so other then ourselves? Do not listen to me. I am insane. If you listen you might become happy and free and not able enjoy the pain, suffering and misery that the sane man enjoys today. Most of all: sleep well because it is far too scary to wake up and be master of your reality.

1 comment:

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