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David Icke's ex-wife throws occult '666' hand signal |
Not long after I came across someone else who spoke about what he called the 'second matrix'. His theory was that the 'matrix' we live in is a carefully constructed but false version of reality which is one that most who have become aware of the 'conspiracy' would agree with. However what he was saying was that the overwhelming majority of those who think they've woken up have actually only escaped one matrix for another. The meaning being that much of the 'truth movement' is controlled and is being led just as much as those in the mainstream.
This all started to make some sense when I came across some of Chris White's films. He identified David Icke, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion as being just three examples of leaders of the 'truth movement' whose solutions or aims were rooted in the very New Age philosophies as that of the New World Order. He also debunked the popular 'anti-New World Order' film Zeitgeist as well as the general 2012 movement.
This all helped me to form my own ideas about it all. In watching Chris White's latest film, 'David Icke Debunked' I can see we've come to similar conclusions. I say similar because White is very much a Bible believing Christian and whilst I wouldn't say I necessarily disbelieve I still have a few niggling issues with the Bible. That said I do think that he and I are very much on the same side because I would very definitely support him in being free to follow his Christian beliefs and I've seen nothing from him where he advocates forcing those beliefs on others.
I'd already started and almost finished an article 'exposing' David Icke but having watched the film I can see that Chris White has done a much better job than I could have hoped to have achieved. That said I'll still publish my article as soon as it's finished because I do cover a few things that Chris doesn't.
I can't recommend watching it enough. It explains what could be both the second matrix and the double cross. That is that the elites are intentionally 'exposing' the New Word Order and are encouraging us to 'rise up', 'rebel' or 'revolt' in order to destroy it. Out of the ashes (chaos) of the destroyed 'old order' (a corrupted, demoralised and degraded 'West' masquerading as the New World Order) will rise the phoenix that will be the new system. This system will, of course, be sold to us as the end of all wars, justice for all, sharing, equality etc but will actually be the very (Luciferian) New Age communitarianism the elites wanted all along.
All this is based around a critical look at the star of the truth movement, David Icke. White does a very good job of showing how Icke's 'solutions' parallel exactly the Luciferian (Satanic) beliefs of the Theosophical society. He also shows how Icke, like many others in the Truth/Theosophic/New Age/2012 movements, is in contact with 'entities'. He then asks the question we should all be asking which is who or what are these entities.
Enjoy the film.
If you want to comment on the film or read a transcript please go direct to the David Icke Debunked website.
I should add that attempting to follow the sort of script outlined above and covered in more detail in the film may well prove harder if the film gains a wider audience. Although I suspect that 'they' have several alternative scenarios 'they' could play out they will all be quite close to the above or at least have a similar outcome.
Hidden in plane sight.
Cool movie. Quite conclusive vis a vis the Icke.
debunk this, it should be easy,less than 6 minutes long.
I see "bovvered" really tipped his hat today Harry.
Harry wrote:
"That said I'm becoming more aware of the comparison of the 'agenda' to Revelation in the Bible. It almost seems as if 'they' are doing it intentionally."
Is he really saying he can't tell the difference between toward good and bad. And warnings, etc, etc.
Well, yes and he's trying to convince others too.
bovvered wrote, on uk column forum.
"According to Alan Watt, the Book of Revelations is effectively a business plan, and it is written in the language of the mystery schools. Watt has also said that there is nothing in Revelations which cannot already be achieved by science."
bovvered wrote, on uk column forum.
"I also dislike the idea of a spiritual obligation to believe certain things about a certain man. It sounds to me more like the logic of a totalitarian government than that of the divine creator."
Anon, sorry but I think you're missing the point. It isn't that David Icke isn't alerting us to some of the many machinations of the global elite, far from it. The suggestion is that this is being done in a controlled manner as part of the 'destruction' of the old order (masquerading as the New World Order) from which the new system will arise. This new system will be based on the theosophic, new age, teachings also propounded by the likes of David Icke. It will be portrayed as the 'solution' to the New World Order when in fact it will be the end game that 'they' wanted all along.
On the subject of money you'll see many articles that are in agreement with David Icke here on this blog. The old system of fractional reserve banking is doomed to collapse anyway at some point. Personally I'd say it would be naive to assume that 'they' won't have a new system all ready to take its place. This will likely be part of the Venus project style communitarian (Marxist) solution that will be presented to the world in the aftermath of whatever cataclysms they deem necessary to get the people to embrace it.
Out of interest, did you watch the video?
You find the same thing in Zeitgeist. It attacks fractional reserve banking, but it's 'solution' is to get rid of money. Zeitgeist is also selling the same theosophy agenda.
Andrew, I've replied to 'bovvered' on the UK Column Forum. I know you can't comment there but rather than write it all out again here if you feel you do want to reply you can, of course, do so here.
Exactly Trooper, not only fractional reserve banking but also 9/11. I wouldn't be surprised to see the truth about that come out as they seek to collapse the old order. I'd be even less surprised if it came out via Wikileaks.
Harry wrote:
"Does this sound like the actions of an all loving benign and beneficent creator? Where's the admonition to 'turn the other cheek' or 'love thine enemy' or to even attempt to show them the error of their ways?"
If you read it all, that’s what it does say. But at the same time which you haven’t included is that you don't let them (those who won’t accept peace even though they have been shown by example, IF those Laws are followed) line you up so that you can be attacked by them and then murdered, as Balaam had done. And/or follow “their” ways.
Where usury (not any old amount, but all worked out) was allowed was for example, where say the Egyptians were practising slavery and oppression and rather than having to defend against attack and to try to appease them, first it was permitted to use usury to purchase their slaves but only to graft them in to a just system where they would not then be slaves and oppressed. “To the end their be no poor among you” demonstrating to people who then would want that system for themselves which they then could join if they would observe and follow all the Just Laws.
And the numbers quote:
You’ve misquoted it; needless to say it’s about the above and about keeping the whole of the Law, including marriage. With your reference to the women (or ladies) you’ve mentioned and about some those women, those who went along with the warring ways of Balaam (Baalism) etc, etc.
Harry wrote:
"That said I'm becoming more aware of the comparison of the 'agenda' to Revelation in the Bible. It almost seems as if 'they' are doing it intentionally."
Harry where in Revelations does it say to DO all the bad things that are written in it (as a warning etc) as you attested (Provide or serve as clear evidence of) in the above quote and then post on the UK column that now you can't tell the difference.
Andrew, what I meant in regards to Revelation wasn't that Revelation said that they SHOULD do these things but that they appear only too happy for their actions and plans to resemble the prophecies of Revelation.
As to your defence of the verses in the Old Testament I'm afraid I can't agree with you. The vengeful and murderous deity of the Old Testament is a world away from either the God of the New Testament or his son Jesus.
Curiously I stumbled upon a podcast of a Gnostic Christian that dealt with this very issue. He includes several more quotes and makes a comparison with the Old Testament's Jehovah and the New Testament's Supreme God. He also discusses how this issue is resolved.
"As to your defence of the verses in the Old Testament I'm afraid I can't agree with you. The vengeful and murderous deity of the Old Testament is a world away from either the God of the New Testament or his son Jesus."
I disagree with you.
Self defence (real and not imagined) is a God given right.
And Numbers is written as a parable.
There is no mention of Jehovah in the Bible, it’s a Talmudic interpretation of a place: 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said [to] this day, In the mount of the "I AM" it shall be seen.
There is a difference between Murder and kill, Harry; you would do well to learn the difference between the two.
"But if you lived in Isreal in the time of Moses"
Israel is not the name of a place, so this is Talmudic. As is every interpretation on that pdf ; Cui bono?
Pat Robertson and all of that master’s degree nonsense is well known as Christian Zionism; I rather expected more of you Harry.
"Dr. Jay N. Forrest http://www.gnosticpodcast.com/biography/
Jay became a “born-again Christian” in 1983 through Pat Robertson’s TV show the 700 Club. Later he was baptized in the Holy Spirit and felt the call to ministry. Jay earned his Associates Degree in Bible from Central Bible College, he earned his Bachelors Degree in Ministry from Berean University, he earned his Master’s Degree in Spiritual Direction form the Institute for Biblical Spiritual Direction, and he earned his Doctorate of Ministry from Trinity Institute of Christian Counseling. Jay has also received three honorary Doctorates, two in Divinity and one in Metaphysics."
"I disagree with you. Self defence (real and not imagined) is a God given right. "
"And Numbers is written as a parable."
In the majority of cases this is not an issue of self defence. The talk is of besieging cities or of utterly destroying cities that the 'Lord' has given them. Even then the wholesale slaughter of women and children after the battle has been won cannot be seen as an issue of self defence.
"There is no mention of Jehovah in the Bible, it’s a Talmudic interpretation of a place: 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said [to] this day, In the mount of the "I AM" it shall be seen."
Fair enough, my mistake. In future I shall use the term 'the God of the Old Testament'.
"There is a difference between Murder and kill, Harry; you would do well to learn the difference between the two."
Semantics Andrew. Please explain how 'slay all the males among the children, and kill all the women that have known man by carnal copulation' is somehow ok because it's not, in your interpretation, murder.
"Israel is not the name of a place, so this is Talmudic. As is every interpretation on that pdf ; Cui bono?"
Talmudic? Come on Andrew, disagree with it if you wish but it can hardly be described as Talmudic.
"Pat Robertson and all of that master’s degree nonsense is well known as Christian Zionism; I rather expected more of you Harry."
I explore lots of avenues in my search for the truth and this was merely something I stumbled upon yesterday. I haven't yet had chance to fully explore the site or assess the person who is writing it. That said even from a brief look I'd worked out that he has rejected 'orthodox' Protestantism and in no way does the few articles I've read show any signs of 'Christian Zionism'.
"In the majority of cases this is not an issue of self defence. The talk is of besieging cities or of utterly destroying cities that the 'Lord' has given them. Even then the wholesale slaughter of women and children after the battle has been won cannot be seen as an issue of self defence."
To destroy is to bring down to naught (to make it of no effect) not obliterate. The word “Children” is also reference to adults.
One example of tens of references to Children as adults.
2:19 And [when] thou comest near to the children of Ammon, distress them not, nor meddle with them: for I will not give thee of the land of the children of Ammon [any] possession; because I have given it unto the children of Lot [for] a possession.
"Talmudic? Come on Andrew, disagree with it if you wish but it can hardly be described as Talmudic."
I know you know better than this, from following your posts on forums Harry.
It is also the traditions of men.
1:14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men [the Talmud], that turn from the Truth.
1:15 Unto the pure all things [are] pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving [is] nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
1:16 They claim that they know God; but in [their] works they deny [Him], being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.
2:1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
“David Icke Debunked”
Well it doesn’t take much to see Icke for what he is and Chris White does a decent job for those who don't know, but also it only should take a matter of minutes research to see that "Alan Watt" is also disinfo.(Ok he makes some good points, like Icke does, but some of it is just made up esoteric nonsense; just like Icke does with the help of people like for instance one of the guys who's involved with the uk column, Justin Walker)
Andrew, here's a quote from the site creator's beliefs.
"I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Saviour of humanity [who] died for our sins and rose again on the third day, and ascended into heaven."
As I said, whatever you may say of the site it is not Talmudic.
Anon, I have to confess to many grave doubts about Project Camelot. They appear to be at the forefront of the attempt to prepare us for a 'disclosure' of some sort regarding aliens and/or UFO's. It's impossible to know for sure what the truth of the matter is but I tend to go with the likes of Bill Cooper who suggested that it was a disinformation exercise to further the agenda to create a world government. I also have time for Chris White's theory that it will be used to try and undermine faith in the major religions as a precursor to a new spiritual paradigm. Probably Luciferian in the guise of the New Age movement.
What are your thoughts on the subject. I can't tell if you linked to the videos because you agree with them or not.
Bovverd wrote:
"I was talking specifically about using this phrase as a justification for sending good people to "Hell" simply because they didn't accept a particular belief."
That’s Talmudic also (a tradition) if you look at all references to hell (in scripture), it’s a reference to planet earth.
"As I said, whatever you may say of the site it is not Talmudic."
The popes, Hitler and many people through history have said seemingly good things but are blind and many not genuine about some of the things they have said.
"I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, the Saviour of humanity [who] died for our sins and rose again on the third day, and ascended into heaven."
That’s for the Old Covenant; same still applies for the New Covenant. There’s a lot more than just saying, oh, I believe so and so and therefore every thing is alright. To sing the “New Song” You have to know both the Old and New covenants. The Old Covenant that relate to the priesthood, churches and the animal sacrifices, for redemption from sin, are now OBSOLETE 2000 (years ago)
“Let us now see how this affects the "Song of Moses" written in Deuteronomy. It does not affect the national and moral Law, in any way, exactly as Jesus himself stated clearly, and it is written, again in the Gospel of Matthew:-“
5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy The Law, or the Prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no way pass from The Law, till all be fulfilled.
5:19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least COMMANDments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the Kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the Kingdom of heaven.
5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall EXCEED [the righteousness] of the lawyers and politicians (who were also priests because the church and the state were one at that time), ye shall in NO case enter into the Kingdom of heaven.
Andrew, this debate could rage on for ever. Unfortunately I've run out of steam and I'm going to 'down tools' for a few days. Even though I might not agree with all your comments I still welcome them because they do make me think which is what I need to do if I'm going to learn.
So Happy Christmas to you and I'll hopefully see you again in 2011.
For those of you that don’t think that there is no such thing as aliens, you need to wake up. There have been reptilians living amongst us for thousands of years, and there’s countless evidence to prove it. This video does a pretty good job of giving you a rough idea of what the Draconians are and how long they’ve been here. Their disguises utilize technology that is much more advanced than the technology that is available to the general public (which is usually 50 to 100 years behind what the human elite organizations such as DARPA have), but it is still not infallible. There have been many instances caught on tape when the moving features of their face (mouth and eyes) have a slight lag time to recalibrate to the sudden change in movement. Hence the appearances of reptilian eyes or tongues for split seconds. One of my buddies who also (happens to be quite adept in regards to the reptilians and what they’re all about) was filming a city council meeting for ventura county when he caught something like this. He posted some of the pictures at his website (they’re at http://www.anxiety.org if you want to check them out) although the quality isn’t as good as the one shot by the news network.
Hi Anon, for some reason your comment went into my spam box. I managed to rescue it though. It seems your links don't work properly, which means I can't really comment too much on your theory.
The PTB have put a lot of work and effort into convincing us that aliens really exist. Of course I don't know for sure but I tend to come down on the side of those who suggest that there is some deception at work. I'm also more inclined towards the theory that 'aliens' are actually from another dimension as opposed to outer space. That is they are demonic entities. I didn't think I'd consider such a thing only a few years ago but recent events have left me with the impression that the world is a stranger place than we have been led to believe.
Where usury (not any old amount, but all worked out) was allowed was for example, where say the Egyptians were practising slavery and oppression and rather than having to defend against attack and to try to appease them, first it was permitted to use usury to purchase their slaves but only to graft them in to a just system where they would not then be slaves and oppressed. “To the end their be no poor among you” demonstrating to people who then would want that system for themselves which they then could join if they would observe and follow all the Just Laws. http://www.911forum.org.uk/board/viewtopic.php?t=15565&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
It was also explained to you on Kev Boyle blog.
Hi Andrew, can you point me to the Bible verses that support your claim? Deuteronomy 23 doesn't elaborate in the way you suggest.
I think that there is a lot of truth in this video. William Cooper done a great series on ISIS unveiled I belive the church has created this religion that goes against the bible and would make zeitgeist invalid. William Cooper believed he was tricked into believing in aliens during his time in the navy. Thats how he got onto the scene, he had the honesty to come out and admit he had been tricked which says a lot about the character of the man. Many people reporting Alien experiences and UFOs report a more than physical connection. Many cases report a physic link. The picture of a demon that I think Alister Crowley was involved with and he drew looks just like a alien grey. I personally myself have been involved with a strange group of people took L.S.D during part of this experience I felt like I was in hell and the people around me where demonic. I had a woman afterwards try to change my wording to alien rather than demonic although I never saw such a entity. During this experience I felt like I was rescued by the a light I felt like I was raised up and looked down on everyone as if they were all a part of me going wrong. I acquainted this experience with God/Heaven. After this experience I visited a number of churches and tried to speak with vicars etc. I never really found any answers. I read the bible a few times and have realised a lot of anti-Jesus and even his teachings are being misrepresented by many churches religions and new age groups. The Jehovah Witnesses leaflets seem to be pro NWO and apparently they are also involved with the U.N. I have been blind to a lot of Ickes background and where he has come from. To be fair to Icke a lot of his information seems to be correct and he does say there is a demonic/reptilian group behind the scenes manipulating things. On his news headlines page he has put up a link with a video with the demonic alien deception so I don't think he is not trying to hide from this possibility. Its a bit concerning he says he has talked with Jesus and these other beings he doesn't reveal this in his later stuff and this went under my radar. Later he says he doesn't know who or what this force is.
Icke seems to be fully aware that the NWO is going to crash the system and set up a fake utopia and belives this is going to fail. If we look in revelations we see the same thing again. The great whore Babylon is stripped naked. I belive this is the revealing process thats going on now. Perhaps Icke is aware of this stuff and hes playing the game and these people to get his message across.
I would like Icke to come out and address some of these issues. If he has made any mistakes to come out and put his hands like Bill Cooper did. There is no shame in being mislead if you got the guts to come out and admit you may have been mislead. Icke does criticise the new age movement and says its like the second matrix the last gate keeper. Maybe he could come out and admit he was tricked by it?
Above you may see I have experinced this Light, even Jesus said he was the way the truth and the light. People always feel the light as being good, is this another satanic twist on things? Lucifer the light bringer is it a similar thing to turning the cross upside down. Icke saying the whole worlds upside down its remarkably like Jesus teachings. I have experince the "Light" first hand and I felt this oneness that everyone goes on about. I am pretty sure it was divine, I am sure they put a lot of this stuff out there just to make you wonder what way is up and what way is down. As you can see from my personal experience you can see how I become drawn to some Ickes work when he talks about oneness and the light. I think it says in the bible that Satan can appear as a being of light and the angels on the free masonic coat of arms are two blonde angels. Also Jesus talks about receiving information from the spirit and we should follow these signs. He doesn't advice talking with spirits but if your being guided how are you to know if its the spirit or demonic.
I think Icke needs to watch this video have a think about all this and come out with a statement. I won't hold it against him if he admits being mislead I to have gone down some wrong roads.
The whole thing is difficult to get my head round. Then there's still the possibility that most of the bible is mostly a load of bull anyway.
Perhaps there are other beings some maybe be classed as demonic and drugs may bring you into contact with them. But should we shy away through fear? Or should we fearlessly proceed in the noble search for truth. If we give a honest account of all we know is it bad?
No doubt there are bad forces at work and Alice Bailey and the Lucis trust is a worry, But there not the only spiritual/religious group with links to the U.N.
I think there is a deliberate bastardisation of the English language. Wicked and sick now mean good, The light has been taken to mean evil?
Great video, David Icke should come out and explain whats happened and where he is now. We are all on a journey figuring this stuff out as we go.
Peter, this video has been out for a while now and Icke is surely aware of it. The fact he hasn't commented on it speaks volumes. The evidence in the film is so overwhelming he'd find it hard to dismiss it.
We are all on our own spiritual paths. I've been down the drug route myself and know it's a road to nowhere. I'm in the process of reading the Bible and studying it for myself. So far I've been amazed as to how it's been so misrepresented. There's much more to it than meets they eye, so to speak. Also, the fact that the Bible is the only religious text that actively speaks out against the very system in operation against us to this day, is worth bearing in mind.
As you say, the dark side is very deceptive so we all need to proceed with caution.
Well I have sent a email to David Icke books saying I feel he needs to address some of these issues. Considering he uses the fact that none of the people he accuses have responded as evidence of there guilt seems to be a strange course of action. Yes he is a busy person but surely he should come out and give a explanation.
I think what could happen is that the 9/11 or similar story breaks the mainstream. Then everyone goes running to leaders of the "Truth Movement". Because they have had inside information the mainstream will start lapping up there every word and will swallow the good with the bad.
thanks harry looking forward to your next article :)
1:12:00 - 1:14
LMFAO David Icke thinks he's the Christ reincarnated? WOW!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA That alone is enough for me to not take him seriously.
I really don't think Jesus would be walking on stage and trying to "educate" people on conspiracy theories, and writing books on it and his cosmic -----> kundalini <----- experiences. LMAO! Duh. He would be in person speaking the word of God. Not other religious beliefs and tying them all together. That's a part of the One World Religion movement. New Age beliefs.
Even on Oprah, she had a Christian woman on her show saying that Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God. That statement is true and is directly written in the Bible. BUT Oprah argued with her "I think there are many ways to God." The whole audience clapped for what Oprah said.
That is a Satanic theology!! Then the Christian bashers say "Open your mind and be accepting!" But yet, they don't want to actually open a Bible and thoroughly read it, and ask for the spirit of God to guide them on its true meaning. You can't just randomly open a Bible and take something out of context and claim you know what Christianity is all about (such as David Icke referencing bits and pieces, or Atheists, or Satanists).
*shakes head* ah well. I just wish people knew that God's laws and everything written in the Bible isn't because God is facist and you need to obey blindly. It's because he's The Father and he loves us and wants us to be healthy, happy, and living a good life. We aren't his "Sheep" because we're dumb and stupid for following him. We're his sheep because we recognize his voice and know that if we follow him, we will be safe from harm. Jesus is my shepard.
Also, I have been helping my friend understand the Bible and when she talked about it to her drug addicted (now ex thankfully) boyfriend, he tried telling her that I "brainwashed her". I laughed and said, yea I am not that powerful to brainwash anyone just from talking lmao.
But if you look at all the popular music videos out there, it's obvious the Satanic agenda is being pushed onto people.
I guess they don't realize by following a Music Artists belief in "hail satan" that they weren't brainwashed into thinking that way from the lyrics.
Hi, your double cross/double matrix scenario is exactly correct. TPTB are going to create a fake Tribulation while we are still in the Church Age (ie, before the true Biblical Tribulation begins). Sime of the fake events they will create are microchip as Mark of the Beast, the 10 CFR world regions as the Ten Kings/Ten Toes of prophecy, the RCC as the Babylonian Whore, with the USA as the Economic Babylon, a fake Antichrist ("prince" William?), & a fake False Prophet (pope), etc. The true Biblical "catching away of the saints" will not happen before or during this Fake Tribulation/NWO, which will freak out many who will think they were left behind. The REAL rapture will occur after the Fake Trib/NWO, when the REAL Biblical Tribulation Timeline begins.
See this excellent report, SATAN'S PLAN TO COUNTERFEIT THE 2nd COMING OF CHRIST & THE RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS at the Christian site, http://watch.pair.com/prophecy.HTML page. Definite food for thought! I think you'll enjoy it.
Thanks Anon. A counterfeit version of Biblical prophecy certainly seems to be part of the plan. I suspect it will be based on the false futurist/dispensationalist version of prophecy that will be based on a rebuilding of a third Temple in Jerusalem. The Vatican appears to be being 'exposed' for the purposes you describe.
Oddly enough I'm currently reading a series of articles on the 'watch.pair' site that suggests the anti-Christ will be of the Merovingian bloodline. Who knows for sure? Deception abounds.
Thanks again,
I'm yet to finish watching the documentary, and sire you guys have compiled a great deal of information and thoughts here on this topic, but.. is there any "real" solution in sight? I'm not buying the bible stuff either, is there any comprehensive source dealing with a possible way out? I'd love to read it, if you could link it here (oh and yes, i'll get to read your discussion above as well)..
Thanks in advanced..
sire 》 sure
advanced 》 advance
"...is there any comprehensive source dealing with a possible way out?"
To a large degree we're all on our own and Have to reach our own conclusions. There are plenty of deceptive 'truth leaders' out there, all with 'solutions' of sorts. Icke is but one example.
I'd also suggest you don't dismiss the Bible too easily but again that's up to you.
I see.. I wont dismiss it altogether, but its really hard for me to swallow it.. will keep working on it, anyway..
Thanks again, congrats for the post!
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David Icke and anyone who believes even one thing this dope says concerning "reptilians" living among us is a delusional idiot. There's no truth to this. There's no proof of anything even remotely supporting such stupid theories. This is made-up crap. No man-reptiles running around disguised as humans. This isn't even good science fiction. It's more like something I watched on Lost In Space when I was a little boy. Even then, I recognized bad science fiction and bad acting. David Icke is guilty of both!
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The stuff from David Icke shall be evaluated with basis on the more serious work of Zecharia Sitchin, principally “The 12th Planet”, “The Lost Book of Enki”, and “The Wars of Gods and Men”.
Following Sitchin’ translation of Sumerian texts and tablets, 300,000 years ago an ET expedition from a planet called Nibiru comes to Earth in order to mine gold. That ET race was named as the Anunnaki. Their social pattern was a kingship and their king was named Anu. Two half-brothers were in charge of the mission to Earth: Enki and Enlil. Both were sons of the King Anu, but Enlil mother was Antu, the official consort of Anu; instead Enki’s mother was a concubine having her origins in the Orion constellation from a superior or more evolved alien race.
As per the Sitchin work, the only Anunnaki associated with REPTILIANS was Enki. It is unknown if this association comes from its superior genes from Orion.
The main point is that there was a continuing power struggle between Enki and Enlil. This struggle has an important influence in the history of humankind, in which Enki had a positive, constructive and beneficial role; instead Enlil has a negative, destructive and detrimental role. So, any association with reptiles, serpents, or dragons shall be viewed as POSITIVE.
Enki and Enlil decided both to create human clones as workers in the gold mines, thus replacing Anunnaki workers. Enlil wanted human workers to have just enough intelligence for performing working tasks but Enki arranged humans to have a higher intelligence, thus enraging Enlil.
Time after, Enlil did not liked the spread of mankind through the generations following “Adam” and when the Deluge was announced, he decided to take this opportunity to eliminate the human race in a definitive way. It was then when Enki decided to save the humankind, by advising Noah and giving him instructions to build a ship.
The current problem is that the old power struggle between Enki and Enlil is still going on. That is why it is possible to observe ‘good’ and ‘bad’ countries depending on which clan controls the region.
David Icke mixed both clans giving names as “reptilians” and “illuminatis”, which by the way are the good ones. Enki’s clan has been always associated with knowledge, wisdom, medicine and spirituality. His son named Ningishzidda appears to have had the role of the Egyptian God Thot - The Egyptians credited him as the author of all works of science, religion, philosophy, and magic. The Greeks further declared him the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, land surveying, medicine, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, reading, writing, and oratory.
Well, this man gives the impression of being a professional disinformant whith the aim of introducing cracy ideas into the opinion if a certain percentage of the population susceptible to such ideas, and then these confused people can be used by certain instances to tag all conspiracy theorists as lunatics, and also to confuse the general population about processes going on in the society.
But he blends the cracy ideas wirh true and logical elements, which makes the effect stronger.
David is interesting, but he doesn't really say anything out of the ordinary. He speaks in generalities and gives the impression of leading a revolution only he isn't.
What also is interesting is that Illuminati whistleblower Donald Marshall claims to have seen David in the underground cloning facilities (DUMBS). These were created by Illuminati to engage in satanic, murder, pedophile rituals and to control their puppets, enabling them to offer eternal life through cloned bodies, infinite intelligence (through global) computer.
According to Marshall, Icke is misrepresenting the reptilian angle -- which is not about other dimensions but about Vril lizards taking over a body through the eyes-- it's parasitic control, accounting for the reptilian eyes these people sometimes have.
Clones/synthetic humans have an unmistakeable look about them -- the whites of the eyes are too white, the ears are fake looking -- typically absent are the skin folds. In their place are generic ears with a half circle in them. Skin is too smooth since clones are fresh out of the tank and therefore have skin of newborn babies.
Icke is now sporting all the characteristics of a clone. I conclude, therefore, that he has been cloned and replaced. The original David, a handsome, charming fellow is gone. Can anyone say that the beautiful, loving, joyful soul David was when he started his journey is the same as the cynical, foul mouthed, platitude spouting, hateful David of today? He mocks Christianity and espouses new age satanic spirituality. His son, Gareth, looks like typical Illuminati rockstar. Once would think he would have become an intellectual and writer like David instead of a dissipated gothic "rebel."
David encourages people to tune out, check out, and remove themselves from the system to avoid slavery. To what end? To become homeless and penniless. Having a job and being productive and going to school is tantamount to being a slave to the system. It's also a key to amassing wealth and becoming independently powerful, influential and financially independent. David tells his followers to be powerless by proclaiming the self (as God) and just doing one's own thing.
That's the quickest way to disempowerment -- just sit home checked out and being happy with oneself while living on welfare and doing nothing but naval gazing.
He's a false prophet and controlled opposition. Definitely. And now he's a clone -- sure sign that he has joined the forces of evil while, ironically, railing against transhumanism and artificial intelligence.
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