Asking if Nick Griffin is a Freemason may seem like an odd question to ask, but if the answer is yes then it seems almost certain that the BNP is what’s referred to as ‘controlled opposition’.
When I first started investigating the New World Order, or world government, agenda a few things became clear quite quickly. One of which was that throughout history the elite controllers of the enslavement system we live in have always planned very far ahead and attempted (and usually succeeded) in controlling both sides of any situation.
This is necessary in order to benefit from one of their favoured techniques known as the Hegelian dialectic. In short the theory is that a thesis results in a reaction, or anti-thesis and the resulting tension between the two is resolved by the synthesis. Those behind the drive for a NWO realised that if you can control both the thesis and the anti-thesis then you are also able to control the outcome or synthesis. This being one of the key ways the agenda is advanced.
It is especially true of politics where it seems clear that all the major political parties are controlled to some degree. Our ‘democracy’ is little more than a charade or theatre for the masses. We have the Labour/ left/international Marxists (thesis) and the Conservative/right/globalist capitalists (anti-thesis) both played off against each other to give the illusion of democracy and to further the agenda. What it seems we actually have is a shadow government that is perpetually in power and that is controlled by, and operates in the interests of, a parasitical elite few and their acolytes. The politicians that we assume are in power are mostly either puppets or dupes.