
Monday, January 24, 2011

Prince Charles - The Sustainable Prince

Prince Charles with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon
and Yvo de Boer Executive Secretary of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
at The United Nations Climate Change Conference
on December 15, 2009

In the 'Planned-opolis (A Nightmarish Vision Of The Future)' post I linked to an article called 'Prince Charles - The Sustainable Prince'. I've printed it here below because I thought it was worth a closer look.

The author of the piece, Joan Veon, describes her 'fascination' with British Royalty and later discovers its connections to the UN, which she describes as a World Government. As a result of her research she comes to the conclusion that 'all roads lead to England' meaning that she sees the British Royal Family as the power behind the UN.

It may well be that what she is actually seeing is that all roads lead to the City of London (the Crown) and from there one single road to the Vatican but that is merely my working hypothesis. 

Regardless of that, the author firmly implicates Prince Charles as a major player in the World Government agenda which many euphemistically call the New World Order.

The early roots of the UN is described as coming from a meeting in London where "they developed the idea of willing co-operation between free peoples in a world relieved of the menace of aggression." Here we see the typical twisting of language so often used by the elites. It would be interesting to know whether by 'peoples' they meant nations or whether this was an early, subtle, attempt to subvert the importance of nations in the elites desire to control us all through a world government. 

The world would benefit greatly if we truly did have sovereign nations (comprised of sovereign free people) co-operating freely in a world free of aggression. The reality is that it's the very elites themselves that have created and instigated 'aggression' in their various wars and conflicts. Those same elites fully intend to continue their control, through the UN whether we 'willingly co-operate' or not.

There's quite a bit about Prince Charles' lineage. His 'breeding' is said to be "the most important in the world ... he is heir to the world’s greatest position that is determined solely by heredity.” 

We then go on to read of her conclusion that Charles is "one of the, if not the key, leading figures on the face of the globe creating “public-private” partnerships in developing countries. This entity, the public-private partnership, is the new form of governance (a polite term for government) worldwide."

We've certainly seen an explosion of public-private partnerships in this country in recent years. It seems that far from being confined to Britain it is a global phenomenon. The author sees this as a "new agenda for business [that] is no longer just business, but governance in the community through public-private partnerships.

In Mussolini's famous quote he said that "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power." 

When you realise that by 'public' they essentially mean government I suspect that what we are seeing is a thinly veiled fascism. This is somewhat confirmed when she goes on to conclude that:

"It is through public-private partnerships that corporations will replace the rule of a nation’s. When you have a board of appointed people representing government, corporations, the private people sector, and non-governmental organisations, money rules, not government or the people. What we see in the making is a new form of governance transcending national borders, elected officials, and the will of the people. Little by little, people will be squeezed out and the New World Order will fully emerge.

It will emerge couched in the sort of fluffy feel good language utilised by the elites. A language that most often means the exact reverse of what they claim.

She makes an important point when she says that the "only way to change the laws of every country and to take control is to make the environment the focal point." This is most definitely what we are seeing today, particularly via the highly dubious 'climate change' agenda. In this there is a very subtle, but important, spiritual dimension. The earth is to have dominion over man as opposed to what is described in Genesis where man is granted dominion over the earth.

There will undoubtedly be many who say that this is how it should be. That man has clearly gone a long way to degrading the planet. It must be remembered though that it is the very elites behind this agenda, the ones who control the banks, corporations and resources such as coal, oil and minerals etc, who have been behind this degradation. Dominion does not necessarily equate with destruction. Any sane farmer, certainly before the advent of the advent of factory farming, would work in harmony with nature in order to get the best out of it himself. It wasn't in his interests to destroy the very land he relied on for survival. The same would be true for a mankind freed from the despotic rule of the Prince and his New World Order cronies. 

If mankind truly was given dominion over this planet then what is being proposed has far reaching consequences. This is a complex subject that I both can't claim to have a full understanding of or the time to attempt to do it justice. Suffice to say that a moderate amount of investigation reveals that the elites of this world worship Lucifer. This may seem outlandish and bizarre but I'd suggest that what is being proposed by Charles may be part of 'their' attempt to give dominion of the planet to Lucifer (Satan). Perhaps this whole sorry saga will only come to an end when we take back dominion for ourselves. That is the free peoples of all nations. Of course we have to become worthy of such a responsibility first and each of us becoming worthy may well be the best thing we can do, as individuals, to defeat this Satanic endeavour.

The article ends with the following statement:

"Lastly, the environment is something all the people of the world share — the air, water, fish and fowl. Whoever controls the environment, controls man. That is the objective and goal."

Rest assured that whatever 'solutions' to our 'problems' (the ones they helped to create) 'they' come up with they will inevitably be tailored to their ultimate best interests. The Prince and his Satanic pals will not be giving up their castles, stately homes and palatial mansions any time soon. Quite the reverse, what they are currently developing is a 21st century feudalism with enlightened (illuminated?) philosopher kings such as Prince Charles enslaving us all. 

Be warned though. I doubt very much if it will be seen as such. My best guess is that what we will be presented with will be a 'solution' couched in the usual 'touchy feely' psycho-babble as the best thing for all humanity. Words such as sharing, peace, co-operation and it seems, sustainability. I've said it before but I strongly suspect that the Orwellian New World Order we think is coming down the pipes is a deception. What we should really fear is the Brave New World described by Huxley. The one where the people can't see their chains and love their servitude. This is what I expect to see presented. It remains to be seen how many fall for it.

Here's the article itself.

There are many who believe we are in “the last days,” an opinion based on the regathering of the nation of Israel in 1948. As such, there has been great speculation as to who might be part of the end-time cast of players. The following is written to bring to your awareness a man who has been a major “mover and shaker” behind the world scenes and who is now becoming more public as a result of his global projects. Because of his seemingly passive understanding of life, he has been passed off as being “daft” or incapable of anything of great importance. His title and lineage alone are reasons to keep your eyes on him. However, his whole being, his logos—what he is, what he does, what he believes, and what he says - beg a deeper look at Prince Charles, heir to the oldest and most powerful throne in the world.
The incredible fascination I had with British royalty and specifically, Prince Charles, began when I applied for my first library card at twelve years of age. Not knowing where to begin reading, I asked the librarian to help me. That kind lady instructed me to follow as she went to a corner of the huge room. Pulling a book off a shelf the librarian said, “You can begin with this one and when you are finished, you can read the rest of the books on this shelf and then those on the shelf beneath it.” While I do not remember the exact name, it was on the early life of Queen Elizabeth 1, “Good Queen Bess.” I did exactly what the librarian suggested and read the rest of the books on that shelf about Queen Elizabeth 1. The other shelf contained books on Queens Victoria and Elizabeth II and a number of other British royal family members.

Over thirty years later, I attended my first United Nations conference in Cairo, Egypt. Although I have written an economic newsletter for a number of years, I was not familiar with the United Nations - UN, the World Bank - WB, the International Monetary Fund - IMF, or any other global agency.
While researching and writing my newsletter in 1992, I became convinced that the fall of the dollar against the German deutsche mark and Japanese yen was part of a concerted move towards a “world currency.” However, a world or global currency would not be necessary unless there were world government ... but who? It was not until I went to Cairo that I understood through my conference experience that the United Nations is world government. This conclusion was very obvious throughout the conference proceedings, as was the blatant orchestration by the UN and the U.S. State Department to achieve some type of consensus for the radical global agenda being pushed on the people of the world.
The Cairo “experience” led to more conferences and a great deal of reading of UN documents. While it was very obvious the UN has tremendous power, after a while it became even more obvious that there must be a power behind the UN. The question was “Who?”

At the June, 1995 United Nations Fiftieth anniversary celebrations in San Francisco, I thought it very odd that Britain’s Princess Margaret was there. While the princess was at a number of functions, I photographed her at the interfaith service in Grace Cathedral and the charter ceremony, which featured all of the ambassadors to the United Nations as well as President Clinton. No reason was given for her attendance which was not reported in any of the major newspapers other than the San Francisco Examiner. Also, according to the list of royal engagements as found in Majesty, a British magazine that tracks the royal family, her calendar stopped a week before she went to California. Royalty Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 1, then published a picture of Westminster Hall with the byline: “[T]he Queen, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Charles, joined international delegates at Westminster Hall to mark the 50th anniversary of the United Nations.” This coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the charter ceremony in San Francisco. Both were held on June 26! In a speech given in London at Westminster Hall, now former Prime Minister John Major spoke of the early beginnings of the United Nations. He said, “At a meeting in London, they developed the idea of `willing co-operation between free peoples in a world relieved of the menace of aggression.’ A blueprint called `The United Nations Plan for Organised Peace’ was drawn up by a [British] foreign Office team.’ (1) He also pointed out that Prince Charles’s grandfather, King George VI, was the first head of state to visit the General Assembly. It appears all roads point to England.

The Rhodes Factor.
It was Cecil Rhodes, “the Founder—of the international diamond industry, of Rhodesia ... the Premier—of the Cape; the Lawgiver—of the Glen Gray act of Rhodesia; the World Statesman—confidant of Queen Victoria and Kaiser Wilhelm,” (2) who endowed and set up the Rhodes Scholarship in his seventh will for the purpose of uniting the United States with Great Britain. Rhodes felt there were “too few Britons” as “too little of the globe was British territory ... `If we had retained America there would ... be millions more of English living.’ Since `we are the finest race in the world and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Wars would end, too’” (3) It was the seventh of his seven wills that set up the Rhodes Scholarship program, while the former wills provided parameters for the trustees who were to bring the world back under British rule. Rhodes called his creed a “Confession of Faith” and it would be carried out through a secret society.

Dr. Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s mentor at Georgetown and the man who chose him for the Rhodes Scholarship, wrote in his book, The Anglo-American Establishment, that the secret society that would be formed by his (Rhodes) will, “was to devote itself to the preservation and expansion of the British Empire [which] has been known at various times as Milner’s Kindergarten, as the Round Table Group, as the Rhodes crowd, as The Times crowd, as the All Souls group, and as the Cliveden set.” (4)
In looking to determine how to bring the world under British rule, this secret society, according to Quigley, “caused the Boer War of 1899-1902; it set up and controls the Rhodes Trust; it created the Union of South Africa in 1906-1910 ... it has been the most powerful single influence in All Souls, Balliol, and New Colleges at Oxford for more than a generation; it has controlled The Times for more than fifty years with the exception of the three years 1919-1922; it publicized the idea of and the name `British Commonwealth of Nations’ in the period 1908-1918; it was the chief influence in Lloyd George’s war administration in 1917-1919 and dominated the British delegation to the Peace Conference of 1919; it had a great deal to do with the formation and management of the League of Nations and of the system of mandates; it founded the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919 and still controls it; it was one of the chief influences on British policy toward Ireland, Palestine, and India in the period 1917-1945; it was a very important influence on the policy of appeasement of Germany during the years 1920-1940; and it controlled and still controls, to a very considerable extent, the sources and the writing of the history of British Imperial and foreign policy since the Boer War.” (5)

It should be noted that the American counterpart to the Royal Institute of International Affairs - RIAA is the Council on Foreign Relations - CFR, which was founded by David Rockefeller and is still controlled by him. American benefactors to the RIIA included J.D. Rockefeller, Ford Motor Company and Carnegie trustees.

Of particular interest, with regard to the Milner Group, was how the world would be ruled once under the British Empire. According to Quigley, “They feared the British Empire might fall into the same difficulty and destroy British idealism and British liberties by the tyranny necessary to hold on to a reluctant Empire. And any effort to hold an empire by tyranny they regarded as doomed to failure...the Group feared that all culture and civilization would go down to destruction because of our inability to construct some kind of political unit larger than the national state, just as Greek Culture and civilization in the fourth century B.C. went down to destruction because of the Greeks’ inability to construct some kind of political unit larger than the city-state. This was the fear that had animated Rhodes, and it was the same fear that was driving the Milner Group to transform the British Empire into a Commonwealth of Nations and then place that system within a League of Nations.” (6)

Up until the fiftieth anniversary of the UN, I had not seen any “royalty” connection with the United Nations, the successor to the League of Nations. Although I had found a speech by Prince Charles commending the “Brundtland Commission” for their work in bringing the term “sustainable development” (discussed later in this article) into everyone’s vocabulary, (7) there appeared to be no direct connection until I attended the fifty first meeting of the IMF/World Bank in October, 1996, where I happened upon a booklet directly connecting the Prince of Wales to the United Nations and World Bank. From its contents, it appears he is a very major player on the global scene—more so than we realize. So then who is Prince Charles?

Prince Charles.
Interestingly enough, Prince Charles was born in 1948, the same year Israel was birthed. In 1969, his mother made him “Prince of Wales” in a ceremony at Caernarvon Castle in Wales. The Investiture of Charles marked the beginning of his royal duties as he became a Knight of the Garter. It is the members of the Order of the Garter that comprise the Queen’s “inner circle” of confidants. According to his biographer, Anthony Holden, “At the same moment [Prince Charles was being invested], across the world, three men were preparing to land on the moon.” (8) As the twenty-first Prince of Wales, the future Charles III has an abundance of titles which include, Earl of Chester, Duke of Cornwall, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron Renfrew, Lord of the Isles and Great Steward of Scotland, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and Great Master and Principal Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.

Prince Charles‘s Lineage.
Prince Charles is literally related to everyone of royal blood in the world, along with a few who are not, like Charles Darwin. According to the English genealogist Gerald Paget, who spent most of his 92 years tracing the lineage of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles, “HRH’s [Prince Charles] breeding is the most important in the world ... he is heir to the world’s greatest position that is determined solely by heredity.” (9) In the introduction to Paget’s monumental work, The Lineage & Ancestry of H.R.H. Prince Charles of Wales, Paget writes, “His Royal Highness is cousin or nephew, in varying degrees, of all the six wives of King Henry VIII. He has many descents from the royal houses of Scotland, France, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway, Spain, Portugal, Russia and the Netherlands ... in addition to Charlemagne and William the Conqueror, he numbers amongst his ancestors such historic characters as King Alfred the Great, King Harold, who was slain at Hastings, Llewelyn the Great Prince of North Wales, Owain Glyndwr, Warwick the Kingmaker, Margaret, Countess of Salisbury (the last of the Plantagenets), the Protector Edward Seymour, the Duke of Somerset and his rival John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland ... Louis IX, King of France, the Emperor Rudolph of Hapsburg, Catherine I, Empress of Russia, Robert Bruce, Mary Queen of Scots...” (10) Paget notes, “Links through marriages or a common ancestor can be found to such diverse people as Genghis Khan and twelve Presidents of the United States of America (for the last see Burke’s Presidential Families of the United States of America).” (11)

Prince Charles biographer, Anthony Holden, goes further and explains that Prince Charles “descends over and over again from Charlemagne and Frederick Barbarossa and all the great dynasties, Hapsburg and Hohenstaufen, Guleph and Hohenzollern, Bavaria, and Saxony, Hesse and Baden ... in Italy, his forefathers include the Dukes of Savoy and the Emperor Frederick II ... and the medieval Kings of Sicily, as also the Orsini of Rome (Pope Nicholas III was his ancestral uncle)... in Spain, they include Ferdinand and Isabella ... and thus El Cid himself. The Prince’s Anglo-Saxon and Danish royal forefathers sprang from Dark Age kings who incarnated the storm-spirit Woden (after whom Wednesday is named), and among his pagan Celtic royal forefathers were King Niall of the Nine Hostages and the Dynamic Iron Age sacral kings of Tara, the great sanctuary of ancient Ireland. Through the Lusignan crusader kings of Cyprus, titular kings of Jerusalem, Prince Charles descends a millennium further back from king Tiridates the Great, the first Christian monarch of all (under whom Armenia was converted in AD 314, before even Rome itself), and thus from the divine Parthian Imperial House of Arsaces (247 BC), which reigned over Persia and Babylonia and was in its time the mightiest dynasty in the Ancient World.” (12)

The Rise of Prince Charles.
Charles is a complex man with many sides. He is a man of action, having served in the Royal Navy in a number of junior and senior command positions. He is a helicopter pilot and has over 900 hours flying a wide variety of jet fighter planes, including the Chimpmunk, Spitfire, Nimrod, Phantom, Jet Provost, and Harrier T4, to name a few. (13) He enjoys polo, and is an artist and a musician. In short, he is a Renaissance man, a man for all seasons.

Unlike his uncle, the Duke of Windsor, who never worked after he stepped down from the throne in 1936, Prince Charles oversees a number of trusts, is involved in organic farming and homeopathic medicine, has been critical of and active in the field of architecture, creating an Institute of Architecture in an effort to blend architecture with nature, has worked behind the scenes pushing the huge radical environmental agenda of the United Nations into the forefront of world politics, and is now one of the, if not the key, leading figures on the face of the globe creating “public-private” partnerships in developing countries. This entity, the public-private partnership, is the new form of governance (a polite term for government) worldwide. His nonprofit organization, The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum-PWBLF, is spearheading this governmental change along with major multinational corporations, most of which have more money than many third world countries. (Public-private partnerships are discussed in more detail later in this article.)

In a 1988 speech at a European Environment Conference, the Prince said, “There is a growing realisation that we are not separate from Nature, a subconscious feeling that we need to restore a feeling of harmony with Nature and a proper sense of respect and awe for the great mystery of the natural order of the Universe...We are beginning to realise that whatever we do to Nature—whether it is on the grandest scale or just in our own gardens—is ultimately something that we are doing to our own deepest selves.” (14) In order to understand what he is doing, we must discern the personal beliefs that guide him.

Religion and the Prince of Wales.
Not happy with the Christian faith, Charles began to search for the meaning of life in the late sixties, while at Cambridge. According to his biographer, “he began a tentative inquiry into the field of what its practitioners referred to as `psychical research’ or `parapsychology’ — and which its adversaries ridiculed as `dabbling in the occult.’” (15) Later on in the mid-seventies, South African born writer, explorer, and mystic (who was also a friend of the Queen Mother) Laurens van der Post became a spiritual counselor to Charles. It was van der Post who helped him explore the natural world as well as the inner world, where “the outer depends on the inner.”(16) He went on to study Buddhism and Hinduism, mixing the relationship of the individual to the environment in economic, social, and spiritual terms. The convictions that Charles began to form — “what he was soon to say about alternative medicine, architecture and the environment sprang from a spiritual feeling for the mystical in mankind.” (17)

Charles was greatly influenced by James Lovelock who formulated the Gaia hypothesis, a belief based on the Greek goddess, Gaia, the Earth Mother, and which today is known as the worship of the earth and the concept of holism which is based on the principles of harmony, balance and the interconnectedness of natural phenomena, combining them with a search for inner awareness. Another way to understand holism is that is adopts the evolutionary principle that man is equal to all other forms of nature (he does not have dominance over the earth as found in Genesis 1). In the seventies, the Prince started to involve himself with organic farming, architecture, and homeopathic medicine, all of which are the components of a “holistic” philosophy, by returning to nature, Mother Earth.

Interesting enough, it was in the early 1970s that the United Nations adopted the environment as its “mantra”. Think about the implications. All of us share the environment; it is a common denominator no matter where you live in the world. The only way to change the laws of every country and to take control is to make the environment the focal point. Today, it is the goal of the United Nations to pass laws on the global level that will then be ratified by all of the member states. These laws will impact all of society in every country, and eventually the world will be ruled by “environmental governance,” which is a result of public-private partnerships. Prince Charles, through his Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum, is setting up public-private partnerships in third world countries. We will see, as we progress, a new form of feudalism, this time led by a new balance between business, the private sector, and government. This corporate feudalism is one that fits the twenty-first century.

Known as the “green prince” or “Eco-King,” Charles, like most radical environmentalists, elevates the position of the environment to one of dominance over man, an inversion of Genesis 1. From his first speech on the environment given at the Countryside Conference in 1970, to his global push for sustainable development, the environment is key—key to changing society, how we live, where we live, and lastly, our value.

There are several books that influenced Charles and helped to form his philosophy. The 1972 Club of Rome report called Limits to Growth said, “If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet would be reached sometime within the next 100 years.” (18) Another influential book is Small is Beautiful by Fritz Schumacher, who wrote, “Human scale thinking must have a spiritual content...we have to put back what our dominant industrialist-materialistic-scientific world view leaves out. The omitted area is what we mean by spiritual.” (19) The concept of sustainable development basically embraces both.

Most people will not find Prince Charles or his environmental activities as headlines of the major newspapers. For example, as a means of pushing the radical United Nations environmental agenda to the forefront of the world’s attention, Prince Charles held a two-day international seminar in April, 1991 aboard the royal yacht Britannia moored off the coast of Brazil. His goal was to bring together key international figures in an “attempt to achieve a degree of harmony between the conflicting attitudes of Europe, the United States and the developing nations, led by Brazil over the United Nation’s environmental agenda. Among others, he invited [then] Senator Albert Gore, senior officials from the World Bank, chief executives from companies such as Shell and British Petroleum, the principal non-governmental organizations, European politicians, including the British ministers of Overseas Aid and the Environment.” (20) If Prince Charles is only a prince in title and heredity, supposedly without any power, why then is he hosting a pre-conference of great magnitude to set the tone for the United Nations Rio “Earth Summit,” which was held over a year later? Why did he not attend the conference with great fanfare, revealing his part?

It should be noted that Vice President Al Gore and Prince Charles have a common mentor, now-deceased oil industrialist Armand Hammer, who was god-father to Charles’ firstborn son, Prince William. It was Armand Hammer’s father, Julius, who was an active in the American Socialist Labor Party, naming his son after the symbol of the communist party, the arm and hammer. By 1919, Julius was involved in “establishing the left wing section of the Socialist Party of the United States [which] was an early beachhead in America, a revolutionary Leninist organization.” (21) This was only the beginning of the Hammer Family’s dealings with Lenin and other Communist leaders after him. Part of their fortune was made from selling grain and flour to the Communists in exchange for concessions of Russian products, including art from the Czar. In the United States, Hammer’s company was the first of one hundred U.S. companies that would do business in Russia after the communist Revolution.
Hammer had direct access to many American presidents, senators, and congressmen to help further his cause and provide him with the contacts he needed to sell grain, fertilizers, and other American products to the Russians. Among the senators, however, Al Gore Senior was key, working endlessly to introduce Hammer to members of the Senate, a job which Vice President Gore assumed when his father retired from the Senate to run one of Occidental Petroleum’s coal companies, owned by Hammer.
It is noteworthy to point out that the top environmentalists in the United States and United Kingdom are Al Gore and Prince Charles. In 1966, Prince Charles became a patron to Intermediate Technology (IT), an international non-governmental organization that helps poor people lift themselves out of poverty through technology. In keeping with the ideas and concepts fostered by The President’s Commission on Sustainable Development, IT is being promoted here in America.

Lastly, it should be noted that the new prime minister of Britain, Anthony Blair, is a close friend of Prince Charles and supports his environmental positions. The prince, Blair, Clinton and Gore are a formidable group as we go into the 21st Century.

Sustainable Development In addition to the Gaia
philosophy—the world of earth over man—there is another component to the environmental agenda, called “sustainable development.” A key report, which coined the phrase “sustainable development” is from the 1987 World Commission on the Environment, dubbed “the Brundtland Committee,” after its co-chairman, Gro Harlem Brudtland, now former Prime Minister of Norway. The report gave birth to a new concept of life as found in sustainable development. I have researched the early beginnings of this philosophy and found the concept used once in the 1972 Programme of Action for the first United Nations environment conference held in Sweden and also in the 1977 Constitution of the USSR, Chapter 2, Article 18. The phrase is not used in UN documents until the 1992 Rio “Earth Summit,” the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development - UNCED.

Since that time, sustainable development has permeated local, state and federal governmental levels in all countries, the policies of multinational corporations, education, and the environment, including zoning, planning etc. Sustainable development has been incorporated into the whole philosophy of the United Nations and their mega-conferences throughout the 1990s, the International Chamber of Commerce (which filters down to the local level), the World Bank and all of its lending practices, the International Monetary Fund, and many other global groups and organizations. Here in the United States, President Clinton, by Executive Order in 1993, established The President’s Commission on Sustainable Development, which has added this dimension to most federal levels of management, and as a result, is being adopted by all other levels of government, without the consent of Congress.

The theory of sustainable development can be likened to a prism. A prism is shaped like a long, slender pyramid in that it has three sides. As you turn it, the light catches the different sides of the prism, reflecting different colors. The three sides of the sustainable development prism are social, economic, and environmental thinking that mirrors Charles’ philosophy of the relationship of the individual to the environment in economic, social, and spiritual terms. Even though these issues appear to be separate in areas of influence, they have all been integrated as one through the public-private partnership concept. As a result of environmental ideology permeating all aspects of life, it takes on a spritual aspect that mirrors the Gaia philosophy, thus fulfilling the spirituality found in the Small is Beautiful concept. When the three become one through partnership (agreement), they form the philosophical approach that will change government and life as we have known it in America.

Sustainable development means that all of the world’s assets are finite and that we must preserve today’s resources for future generations. What this implies is that we must first know how much we have of every resource, which must be counted somehow, then monitored so that it can be determined who is adding to the earth’s resources. Volunteerism may just be one way for you and I to “put back” what we have consumed if we have not produced enough at work to cover what we consume. The World Bank and International Monetary Fund are studying ways in which the production of every person on the face of the earth can be measured. Interestingly enough, we are at the mercy of the United Nations and the environmentalists for all of the answers.

What this really involves is control of all of the earth’s assets so that no one uses them up or misuses them. It further involves a whole level of law—both national and international—so that these resources are protected, and for anyone who misuses them—according to the environmentalists interpretation—there are penalties and fines. In addition, the concept of personal property rights has to be changed so as to “protect the resources,” which means you no longer have the right to live where you want, a concept called “biodiversity”, and you no longer have the right to use your property the way you wish, because how it will be used will be dictated by those who are “monitoring” the world’s resources, and how you chose to use it has to conform to what is good for all mankind. In other words, personal property rights are given over “to the greater good of the whole,” which is collectivism, and which is embodied in socialism.

Retired journalist Walter Cronkite provided his view on the subject in a book endorsed by Prince Charles called Save the Earth, by his friend and advisor Jonathan Porritt. “There is one maxim and a corollary that must underlie all of our thinking about saving the Earth. The maxim is that no private interests—neither rights to property nor profit—can get in the way of the human right to clean air and clean water and an atmosphere that will permit continuation of life on Earth. The corollary is that the costs of saving the Earth must be shared by us all.” (22)

In 1993, the World Bank established a division for sustainable development. The World Bank has since added four other dimensions for monitoring the assets of the world through sustainable development. They are: (1) natural capital—the minerals of the earth, water, forests, anything natural; (2) manufactured capital—anything built, such as roads, buildings, homes, etc.; (3) human capital—every living person on the earth, particularly their age, health, experience, education, and ability to work; and (4) social capital—how people think, that is, politically correct thinking. The World Bank and IMF for the most part have and are in the process of developing how to measure each of these in every country, including the United States. All UN and UN related organizations and agencies espouse sustainable development. These concepts permeate UN documents, goals, seminars and pilot projects. They are coming to your house soon.

Charles the Environmentalist.
When Charles attended Trinity College in the late 1960s, he studied archaeology, anthropology, and history, all of which are key with regard to the environment and architecture. In 1981, he and a “somewhat maverick group of businessmen” (23) formed Business in Community, which today is The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum - PWBLF. Business in the Community came out of a 1980 Anglo-American Conference on Community Involvement in which British tycoons learned of America’s success in cleaning up its cities through public-private partnerships, in which the local community joined with businesses in order to afford the changes necessary to revitalize major cities. Public-private partnerships were first used in the 1940s and 1950s, when the city of Pittsburgh joined forces with Richard King Mellon and other businessmen to revitalize Pittsburgh. (24) Years later in March, 1988, Charles attended the “Remaking the Cities” Conference in Pittsburgh where he delivered the key-note address. Whether the residents of Pittsburgh or the conference participants knew it or not, they were discussing the same UN environmental concepts and agenda that were later unveiled at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.

The purpose of the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum is “to promote the practice of good corporate citizenship and sustainable development internationally, as a natural part of successful business operations.” (25) In 1990, PWBLF members unveiled their world agenda in Charleston, South Carolina where they hosted their first conference called “Stakeholders: The Challenge in a Global Market.” Over 100 CEOs from major multinational organizations attended this two-day conference. American firms included Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, USA Today, Sara Lee Corporation, BellSouth, J.C. Penney, Schering-Plough Corporation, The Equitable Life, Johnson Publishing, KKR, Monsanto, Pillsbury, the New York Stock Exchange, Exxon, Caterpillar, Procter & Gamble and DuPont. (26).
At this conference, the CEOs felt that “practical experience of business involvement in the community is becoming increasingly important for the career development of business leaders of tomorrow. Education and training and care for the environment were considered the international priorities. (27) Some of their conclusions were: (1) CEOs have a critical lead role to play in setting company values and ensuring that local managers are briefed, encouraged, and prepared to listen to local community leaders. (2) Companies must strive to adopt total processes and products based on principles of “sustainable development” — ensuring that use of resources today does not harm the resource needs of future generations. (3) Business executives should assist community leaders in inner cities and isolated rural areas to regenerate their neighbourhoods by developing business skills. (28)

In other words, the new agenda for business is no longer just business, but governance in the community through public-private partnerships. This then calls for a complete change in how managers are trained and educated, corporate philosophy, and how monies are directed. The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum is an educational charity with close to 50 multinational corporations on its executive directorate. They include companies from the United States, Britain, Germany, Japan, and several other countries. The U.S. corporations who work very closely with the Prince include: 3M, American Express, TRW, Coca-Cola, SmithKline Beecham, ARCO, CIGNA, DHL Worldwide Express, Levi Strauss & Company, The Perot Group, and US WEST International. Additional partners are the American Chamber of Commerce, American Hotel and Motel Association, The Atlanta Project, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The City of Charleston, The Ford Foundation, the Kellog Foundation, the New York City Housing Partnership, the Office of Ronald Reagan (who along with George Bush, was knighted by the Queen), the Soros Foundation, Texaco, Tufts University, Turner Broadcasting, USAID, and Warnaco. Guests and experts to Charleston included: United Way of America, King Constantine, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (USC), Elizabeth Plater-Zyerk (architect of the “holistic” planned community, The Kentlands, in Gathersburg, MD), William Reilly then Administrator with the EPA. Rep. Charles Schumer from the 10th District in New York, Lester Thurow, Dean of the Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Dr. Jessica Tuchman Matthews from the World Resources Institute and member of the Council for Foreign Relations. (29)

To put public-private partnerships into perspective, they have been used for the last twenty years in America as a method of providing financing to low-income families. Since 1990 HUD and its Office of Community Planning and Development have used public-private partnerships to produce affordable housing. In addition, Maryland and Minnesota have implemented state-level public-private partnerships. It should be noted that as public-private partnerships continue to gain usage in the United States, our Constitution is being eroded. The United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat II, was specifically designed to push public-private partnerships for all countries around the globe.
The five year report which the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum published from 1990 to 1995 reveals that it has acted as a catalyst for change on many levels of society, using various conduits such as business, the public sector, non-governmental organizations, corporations, and international agencies (the World Bank, United Nations, etc.) which have fostered many different types of partnerships on a global basis. These partnerships all promote a philosophy and world view which is contrary to Genesis 1. The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum has participated with the World Bank on “corporate citizenship,” conducted meetings in 26 countries to promote “business as partners in development,” which includes partnerships between governments, the PWBLF, and corporations (all components of public-private partnerships); developed the INSIGHT Programme to work with the disadvantaged in Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, St. Petersburg, Russia, and other countries; set up the International Partnership Network, IPN, to share best partnership practices and advocate sustainable development; initiated the Global IT Partnership, which is part of the World Bank’s Information for Development Program to ensure poor people are not excluded from opportunities created as a result of the Information Revolution; and created Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum chapters in Hungary, Russia, India, Thailand, Shanghai, Vietnam, South Africa, Egypt, Brazil, and Mexico. (30)

The PWBLF also is active in business education with the International Association of Students in economics and management - AIESEC, which is the world’s largest student-managed organization conducting programs at various universities around the world. The Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum asked 10,000 students from 32 countries questions about business and corporate social responsibility. The results are surprising for those who believe in absolute values, as 61 per cent agreed that as managers, they will sometimes have to do things that conflict with their personal values.
In the United States, the University of Michigan offers corporate environmental management programs which introduce students to global sustainable development issues in business. At Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, a broad program in corporate citizenship includes elective topics on “Environmental Management,” and “Corporate Governance, Power and Responsibility”. The goal is to educate the manager for the twenty-first century as someone who understands the environment, ecology, technology, the social responsibility of the organization—private, public or non-profit — and working with NGOs, the public, citizens groups, and public-private partnerships. (31) The reach of the Prince of Wales around the world is deep, vast and broad as seen in the partners and advisers affiliated with AIESEC which include, (in addition to the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum) The Club of Rome, The Society for International Development, which former Secretary-General of the UN, Boutros-Boutros Ghali just joined as president, the United Nations Development Programme, and UNESCO. (32) These, along with all of the other partners mentioned in this article reveals a man with immense power.

Prince Charles, the Inn Keeper.
In 1992, the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum was approached by the chief executive of the Inter-Continental Hotels and Resorts with a new idea to use the environmental experience of the Forum to develop an industry-wide environmental initiative. A group of International Hotel Environment Initiative (IHEI) was born. IHEI consists of a network of hoteliers, working through a dedicated support unit with the goal to change business behavior across the entire hotel industry. Industry leaders will improve the environmental performance of their own hotels and act as examples for others. In the five years since the initiative was started, IHEI has produced in partnership with the International Hotel Association, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and various hotel associations, such as the American Hotel and Motel Association, the Caribbean Hotel Association, Thailand hotel Association, and the Hotel Association of Hungary.

One of their environmental initiatives is the Linens and Towels Rescue Program which encourages hotel guests to conserve on daily linen replacement, thereby helping hotels to save water and detergent. The Holiday Inn Worldwide began its “Conserving for Tomorrow” program in 1994 stating: “The Holiday Inn Worldwide will pro-actively encourage and pursue initiatives to improve the global environment.” (33) While I do not disagree with the concept of how often a guest wishes to change linens, for whatever reason, it masks the true philosophy of sustainable development which is control of all resources on planet earth.

Hotels in partnership with the PWBLF include the biggest, most luxurious in the world, such as ACCOR, Forte, Hilton International, Holiday Inn Worldwide, ITT Sheraton, Inter-Continental, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, Marriott Lodging Group, Marco Polo Hotels, Radisson SAS Hotels, Worldwide, Renaissance Hotels International, and the Taj Group of Hotels. (34)

King Charles III
There has been much speculation with regard to when Charles will become king. I surmise that he does not need a throne, for he already has one. The environmental agenda via sustainable development, and public-private partnerships with the world’s largest and strongest multinational corporations, many of which have cash flows and assets exceeding that of most countries, provide Charles his throne. It appears that he rules behind the scenes, encouraging, expanding, and pushing the agenda of the United Nations, partnering with the World Bank and other global agencies, all of which are advancing world government, a philosophy with which he is not uncomfortable. After all there have been many kings, popes, and world leaders who have tried to attain it. When one takes a look at the 48 companies on his directorate, 23 of them are part of Business Week’s Global 1000 corporations with a market value of over $1 Trillion. Apart from the manufacturing base he has amassed, travel and tourism is the world’s largest industry and generator of jobs. It provides direct and indirect employment for 200 million people, one in every 9 workers in the world. Its gross domestic product generates more than that of the gross national product (GNP) of the United States in 1995.

It is through public-private partnerships that corporations will replace the rule of a nation’s. When you have a board of appointed people representing government, corporations, the private people sector, and nongovernmental organizations, money rules, not government or the people. What we see in the making is a new form of governance transcending national borders, elected officials, and the will of the people. Little by little, people will be squeezed out and the New World Order will fully emerge.

Lastly, the environment is something all the people of the world share — the air, water, fish and fowl. Whoever controls the environment, controls man. That is the objective and goal. The work that Prince Charles is spearheading has been gaining momentum. He is at the heart of what is going on in the world, as it relates to power, control, philosophy, and “forward” thinking at every level of society. Since Prince Charles lives and breathes sustainable development, a better title for him would be the “Sustainable Prince”.

Because of who he is, doors automatically open and people flock to him. His tentacles are very deep, reaching into every area of life, business, and government. He transcends politics, national borders, and religion. He is very powerful by way of position, lineage, inheritance, importance and influence. He is out to remake society and mold it into his image, which is based on Gaia, a usurpation of Genesis 1. This alone will change life for every person on earth, as they will become slaves to the new twenty-first century feudal landlords, where every crust of bread they eat will be measured against what they produce in order to protect resources for future generations. Is all of this the new divine right of kings? The person the Imagesstream media would have us believe is Charles is not the real Charles. The real Charles is extremely powerful and should be recognized as a very major player in the end-time game.


Unknown said...

Informative post indeed. Mankind will eventually be compelled to honor sustainable development.

Best Wishes. Check out my blog at

Snakey said...

The Prince and his Satanic pals will not be giving up their castles, stately homes and palatial mansions any time soon.

And until they do I will disbelieve every word they say. Actions speak louder than words ;)

what they are currently developing is a 21st century feudalism

I agree and you're not the only one who thinks this. In fact, it is becoming more and more obvious that the elite view the masses as usable and disposable cattle. The more people realise this, the better.

Excellent post btw. Very interesting info about Charlie boy.

Harry J said...

Ashok, I think it's inevitable we will eventually develop sustainably. Indeed mankind, left to its own devices, would mostly do this instinctively. What we don't need is to be manipulated into an elite controlled system that misuses the idea of sustainable development for its own benefit. After all it's those very same elites that have so misused the earth's resources for so long.

Thanks Snakey, I doubt we'll ever see the Prince and Camila in a modest two bed cottage with a small garden.

Anonymous said...

Hi Harry.

Do you follow/track Larouche?

Larouche blames the British Empire's City of London's Inter Alpha Group (of Banks) and its world monetary system for the push to global governance. The Royal Family is heavily implicated according to Larouche.

That's an interesting link Harry, I'm reading it now.

If it is authentic, then I think it deserves a wider readership.

I feel Things are hotting up apace, saw an article the other day (think it was the Mail) where government is expending millions on commissioning reports on group rights. (communitarianism)


Andrew said...

Larouche (latest video) promotes this Glass-Steagall Act as the only answer to our financial problems (as always he only tells part truths)

Glass-Steagall Act
What Does It Mean?
What Does Glass-Steagall Act Mean?
An act passed by Congress in 1933 that prohibited commercial banks from collaborating with full-service brokerage firms or participating in investment banking activities.
Investopedia Says
Investopedia explains Glass-Steagall Act
The Glass-Steagall Act was enacted during the Great Depression. It protected bank depositors from the additional risks associated with security transactions. The act was dismantled in 1999. Consequently, the distinction between commercial banks and brokerage firms has blurred; many banks own brokerage firms and provide investment services.

Harry J said...

Hi Anon, I have listened to several of Larouche's speeches. He's certainly an interesting character. He does have many critics though which is why I tend to keep an open mind about him.

Is Glass-Steagall enough? I'm not sure it is either. The problems with the system seem to run a bit deeper than that. It would be a good place to start though.

James Higham said...

Regardless of that, the author firmly implicates Prince Charles as a major player in the World Government agenda which many euphemistically call the New World Order.

When he applied to be King of Europe [Israeli TV]. that was a bit of a giveaway.

Harry J said...

Hi James, I must have missed that one. Are there are more details to be had?

By the way, you may have noticed I've picked up on your idea of referring to the global elite/PTB/Illuminati (delete as applicable) as 'them'. I could never decide on the most suitable term so it's helped enormously. It seems more apt in many ways.

Andrew said...

Harry, that’s an article that should be on the UK column forum, Henry Makow has a recent one too just a couple of days before yours on the same subject. You know I don’t post there now as I was banned and have never tried to rejoin, but I’ve just been informed that they no longer take new members there anyway.

Chris White seems to have discovered the good (bad really) NWO, it’s the same as lets say scientology where they say we all have to come to there esoteric belief to spiritually get of the planet and if you don’t go along with it your prevent them, very dangerous just as Chris White says about all these esoteric? (Even if they are atheist they could use that meme) Beliefs.

Harry J said...

I might try and post it. The problem with the UK Column forum is that if there's more than a couple of links the spam detection software seems to kick in. I've tried and failed with stuff before now.

Andrew said...


Another problem with the UK Column, it has 3 new members although I’ve been told many can’t register there. And whilst it debunks David Icke with it then promotes Alan Watt (which the film at the end also exposes)

Harry J said...

The juries out as regards Alan Watt as far as I'm concerned. I remain open minded.

Anonymous said...

Jordan Maxwell is interviewed by the Daily Bell.


Andrew said...


"Jordan Maxwell: It's not like I came up with this out of thin air but the average person obviously does not know. The origin of Judaism has nothing to do with ancient Israel, for instance; it has nothing to do with a B.C. religion. Judaism from all indications never existed in the B.C. It was not an ancient religion, and the concept of Judaism and God's chosen people was probably developed somewhere between the 8th – 12th century A.D in Europe and in the Middle East by the Vatican, by political, religious establishments and the Western world"

600 BC talmudic Judaism, 8th century for the Askenazi converts to talmudic Judaism.
Is Jordan Maxwell a counterfeit jew, well he always hides them.

Harry J said...

Some of what Maxwell says about the Vatican, British royalty and the East India Company rings true. As for the other religious stuff I have to take it with a very large pinch of salt. Especially the bit about Sumeria after seeing that video of him and Zecharia Sitchin sharing a masonic handshake.

Michael Tsarion, his protegé, is an Alistair Crowley apologist. Maxwell himself suggests reading material by the freemason (and Luciferian) Manley P Hall. There's more to Maxwell than meets the eye I suspect.

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